A Wise Move

Thought For The Week 228 By Val Warsop

The young Solomon had been crowned King of Israel, stepping into the shoes of his famous and much-loved father; it was a position that, despite his royal upbringing, filled him with trepidation [1 Kings 3:7]. Yahweh was with him, however, and began to strengthen his standing in Israel, giving him respect and honour among the people.  Was this, perhaps, what instigated his memorable trip to Gibeon and the extravagant gift of a thousand burnt offerings [1 Kings 3:3-4]? Yahweh was clearly moved by the gift, later appearing to him in a dream with an extraordinary offer, “What do you want? Ask, and I will give it to you!” [v5].  Imagine that for a moment; if Yahweh came to you tonight with the same offer, how would you reply?

Solomon, overwhelmed by his responsibilities and with his heart set on righteousness, requested “…an understanding heart…” [v9] and “…wisdom and knowledge…” [2 Chronicles 1:10].  What a precious glimpse into the righteous, loving heart of the new king.  Deeply moved, Yahweh not only granted his request, but heaped upon the young man everything for which he could have asked [vvs 11-12].

Have you ever asked Yahweh to give you wisdom?  As a young woman longing to serve Him and His people effectively, I began to do so.  I saw that the Bible abounds with references to its value and outlines huge benefits which accrue. In a fascinating statement Solomon writes, “The beginning of wisdom is this: get wisdom” [Proverbs 4:7]. What amazing and yet basic advice. There is a sense that we must pursue it, though it cost us everything.  Wisdom is a quality “…more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold” [Proverbs 3:14].  Ponder that!

As I prayed for wisdom, I discovered that Yahshua is the wisdom of Yahweh [1 Corinthians 1:24]!   Unsurprisingly, therefore, I found the answer to my prayer was an intensifying desire to know Him more.  As I walk with Yahshua, I am learning the truth of James’s statement that, “the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere” [3:17]. Asking for wisdom is a wise move!

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Homer A. Rodeheaver


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