Journey Of Life

Journey of Life coverThis is the text of a tract we produced. It shows us how we can acknowledge the God who is always there with us.

We’re all on a journey through life. As a firm believer in an Almighty Creator I’m sure we don’t travel alone. But where is Yahweh (God) in relation to our journey? Is He at the start or at the finish? Yahweh says, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End” (Revelation 21:6). A Hebrew poem tells us that, in all our rushing around between the beginning and the end, He is there too.

An accompanied journey, with questions

Yahweh accompanies His people every step of the way. Sometimes this is hard to realise. Often we have to be in need, even in despair, to grasp it, because when we cry out to Him at such times we do it in faith, desperate for some reply. Sometimes we recognise His presence through the company of someone who believes in Him - maybe a friend who points you to Him.  At other times it is by a chance meeting with a stranger who believes in Yahshua (Jesus). He is always with us! The Bible promises that He will never leave or forsake His people (Hebrews 13:5). Yahweh never breaks His promises.

On this journey through life the accompanying God wishes to equip us with all we need. We may just need to discover how to provide for our own families, or we may have a heartfelt desire to spend our lives assisting and aiding others on their journey. Sometimes we cannot do it without His help, and for that reason He comes alongside us to empower, motivate and inspire us to be the people He knows we can be.

There are times when we may feel isolated, frighteningly alone. This may be caused by circumstances we find ourselves in, for example, sickness, want, loss of job, estrangement, or bereavement.  But the truth is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, is there. He is there when no one else is. He has committed Himself to be there with you.

On our journey we come face to face with trouble, but with our God by our side, we can discover how true the Bible is when it says, “He is a very present help in times of trouble” (Psalm 46:1).

Jacob’s Journey

In the Bible we read about Jacob, a man who, on his journey, found Yahweh to be a constant companion and guide. There were times when he felt so isolated, alone and in fear of his life.  At such times this ever present God proved to be everything to him. He showed Jacob in a dream that He would be with him at all times and fulfil all His promises even when his circumstances suggested otherwise. When those around him wanted to cheat him out of his inheritance, Yahweh defended him. Yahweh also changed the heart of his angry brother Esau, who was determined to kill him. Finally, He made Jacob the father of the Jewish people, who are a nation today, as well as an ancestor of Yahshua.

We also need to acknowledge this God who is ever there with us. We need to realise we are never out of His sight; wherever we are, He is there. In the words of a famous song, we see how good this is:  “What a friend we have in Jesus all our sins and griefs to bear, what a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer.”

We can acknowledge that we believe there really is a God by turning our lives over to Him; we do that by repenting, that is, recognising we have done wrong, and asking Yahshua His Son into our lives as the One who forgives us for those wrong things and as the One who takes priority in our lives. He is able to do this because He died on a cross to take our punishment upon Himself, because He loves us. And He is able to do it because He rose from death and is alive today! If we repent, He will take care of us on the journey; we can turn our cares and worries over to Him, and when our journey ends He will take us into the very presence of our Father who is in heaven. There, we will understand more fully what our journey on earth was all about; it was a journey from earth to heaven, to reunite us with a loving Father who knew us before we came into this world, and has actually planned every step of our Journey of Life.

Read our latest thought for the week...Just A Little Sin

Click to see the whole passage:

Matthew 10:24-25 NIV - “The student is not above the - Bible Gateway

Pause For Thought

We need to stop worrying about some things in life. [Yahweh] is on our side. He is behind us, with us and ahead of us.

Steve Shepherd

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