Giving To The Congregation Of Yahweh

The work of the Congregation relies on the voluntary donations of members and supporters. We’re extremely thankful to all who give freely and generously. This enables us to continue to reach and bless communities across the country, fund numerous projects and organise events. It also helps with the day-to-day running costs of the Congregation. We receive no external grant funding.

Give At Our Regular Services

You can give to the Congregation by cash or cheque during the offering at any of our weekly services. We ask that tax payers consider using Gift Aid envelopes to boost their giving at no cost to themselves. These are available in the local groups. Please make cheques payable to The Congregation of Yahweh.

Standing Order

The most convenient way of supporting the Congregation, however, is through a monthly standing order – so your donations are transferred automatically from your bank account to the Congregation’s. To set up a standing order, you simply log into your online banking and give them the relevant details, or you can complete a Standing Order Form and take it to your local bank. You’ll need our bank details – you’ll find these below. Download the form or request one from our accounts department (

You can review and amend your standing orders regularly. If you choose to set up a standing order please let us know so we can identify your gift.

The Congregation’s Bank Details

Account Name: The Congregation of Yahweh
Account Number:
Sort Code: 09-07-20


If you’d like to make an online donation to our work and ministry via PayPal, please click on the buttons below.

Gift Aid

If you’re a UK tax payer and would like us to reclaim the basic rate of income tax (currently 25p for each pound given) please download, fill in and return the Gift Aid form to us.

Read our latest thought for the week...Infinite Mercy

In this hour and time, the Living [Elohim] is calling us to the school of his Spirit that we may fulfill his purpose for our generation, yes saints, our [Elohim] has a sincere desire for us to grow in maturity as we enjoy intimacy with him.

Dr Jerry Hulse

New Audio Devotional

Audio Devotional Moments - July 2024
Obedience To The Master
Faith Mail - A Monthly Encouragement

Faith Mail July 2024
Seeing The Unseen

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The Congregation Of Yahweh
Head Office (UK)
27A Carlton Road
United Kingdom

T:Telephone: 0115 837 8083

Registered Charity No. 245132

© Copyright 2024 The Congregation Of Yahweh

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