
Thought For The Week 350

Abraham and Sarah had been married for more years than they cared to remember, and had spent decades waiting and hoping for a son and heir; but it wasn’t to be.  They were living in Canaan, a land to which Yahweh had directed them, and which He had promised to give to their children – except, of course, they didn’t have any!  The promise was puzzling.  Yahweh took Abraham outside his tent one night to look at the stars, promising his children would be just as numerous [Genesis 15:5]!  And yet still there was no baby!  In fact, Sarah had been through the change, so her expectations, by this time, were zilch!  However, when she was 90 years old and Abraham 100, their little miracle was born; they called him Isaac!  What joy, what delight, what overflowing happiness there was throughout the encampment.

Some years later Yahweh gave Abraham an appalling command, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah,” He said. “Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you” [Genesis 22:2].  It’s astonishing that no further dialogue is recorded!  Apparently, Abraham simply made preparations and started off early in the morning [v3].  On the third day, when he saw their destination in the distance, Abraham told the two young men who were with them that he and Isaac would go “over there to worship” and “we’ll come back to you” [22:5].  This extraordinary man of faith, preparing to sacrifice his precious son, was promising they’d return

They went together, father and son, up Mount Moriah, even as Yahweh and Yahshua went together up Calvary’s mountain.  Except for them there was no substitute sacrifice ‘caught in the thicket’ [see v13] and no angel to call out ‘do not lay a hand on [Him]’ [see v12]!  Abraham was asked to do what Yahweh would, one day, complete in Yahshua.  How could Abraham lift that knife [v10]?  How could Yahweh allow Calvary? And yet, somehow, these two events are bound together.  Because of Abraham’s obedience, Yahweh promised, “through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed” [v18];  Yahshua would come!


Photo by Livin4wheel on Unsplash


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