Thought For The Week 365

When Yahshua taught His disciples to open a prayer with “Our Father…” it was a revolutionary idea! Though Yahweh had spoken of Himself as their Father, we have no early records of His people addressing Him as such.  However, we know Yahshua’s personal relationship was established early.  Luke tells us the remarkable story that, after Passover one year, Yahshua appeared to go missing. Incredibly, the caravan of people returning to Nazareth appears to have set out without His parents checking He was with them, and it was a full day before they discovered He wasn’t!  Three frantic days later they found Him in the Temple.  When His mother took Him to task about all the worry He had caused, He was surprised. “Didn’t you know that I had to be in My Father’s house?” He asked [Luke 2:41-49].  He was twelve

Yahshua’s relationship was intimate and settled, putting Him in a unique position to introduce His Father to us.  He was clear about this, saying, “If you know me, you will also know my Father” [John 14:7].  Yahshua came to make a way for us to be re-established in the divine relationship that was lost in the Garden of Eden: a relationship that was precious to Yahweh.  Just how precious was demonstrated in the fact that He sent Yahshua to die for us while we were still sinners [Romans 5:8].  Yahweh wants us to know and love Him, even as He knows and loves us.  It consistently astonishes me that Yahweh, great, holy, majestic, and awe-inspiring, should want to have personal interaction with someone as ordinary as me! 

Andrew Murray writes that Yahweh “gave His Son in order to draw us closer to Him.  This can only be achieved through having fellowship with [Yahshua].”  If to know Yahshua is to know Yahweh, then they are alike, and Yahshua faithfully revealed His Father to all who pause to listen!  As we fellowship with Yahshua, grow in understanding of and love for Him, so we will, inevitably, be drawn to His Father.  It is His great joy to introduce us!  Our being established in the relationship is the culmination of all that He died to give us.

Image by Heike Mintel on Unsplash


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Rejoice, Rejoice, Oh Christian, Lift Up Your Voice And Sing Eternal Hallelujahs To [Yahshua the Messiah] The King! The Hope Of All Who Seek Him, The Help Of All Who Find, None Other Is So Loving, So Good And Kind.

Homer A. Rodeheaver


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