The Congregation Of Yahweh – Nottingham



The congregation is a lively mix of nationalities and age-groups, catering for young families, right through to senior citizens. The focal meeting of the week is on a Sabbath (Saturday), where people from all over the city gather for vibrant worship, inspiring teaching and enriching fellowship.


There are currently no notices for this location. Please re-visit soon to see if the page has been updated.

Weekly Programme


House Churches

Across the city there are various small groups that meet in people’s homes either late morning or early afternoon. The purpose of these House Churches is to help members participate in meaningful ways in the life of a ‘Church’ service which is outlined in the New Testament.

Activities include: Teaching, Prayer, Breaking of Bread, Fellowship (including sharing food), worship, hospitality, operating in the gifts of the holy Spirit, and outreach into the community

A Group meets each week in The Ark (adjacent building) @ 2:00pm. If you are passing feel free to drop in and see what it’s all about ????

Senior Citizens Fellowship

Each Sabbath (Saturday) morning @ 11:00am in the Church Hall our senior citizens meet for fellowship and sharing, as well as food/refreshments. They share with each other about their faith and life, as well as chat about their week – this is a fun and relaxed time. The group also engages in discussions around the Bible and spend time praying together.

Seniors Study Group

At 11:00am each Sabbath (Saturday) morning, in The Ark, a group of seniors meet to discuss, in more depth, some of the ‘truths’ found in the Scriptures/Bible. The facilitator takes time to carefully teach and open up some of those things which are a little harder to understand. This group is for the ‘enquiring mind’.

First Saturday of Each Month

On the first Saturday of each month all House Churches & Groups meet @ 1:00pm to share in worship, testimonies, teaching of the Scriptures (Bible), and an extensive time of fellowship. This is a celebration of all House Churches coming together as a wider group of people simply enjoying being part of The Congregation of Yahweh. Baptisms will also be a feature of this service.

A special session will be provided in The Ark for all children up to the age of 11.


Discipleship Programme

An online course is run at various times throughout the year which is designed to help those who have come to Faith. The first part of the Discipleship Programme offers basic nurture; providing understanding from the Bible on subjects such as Yahweh (God), Yahshua (Jesus), the holy Spirit, Prayer, Bible reading, basic Bible study and The Church. 

The second part of the Programme is for those who are relatively grounded in their Faith, and who seek to know more about the Distinctive Teachings of The Congregation of Yahweh. Such subjects will include The holy Names, The Sabbath Day, the Feasts of Yahweh, Israel etc etc.


Community Choir – “Come Sing With Us” (6:15pm – 8:00pm)

Do you like to sing sing? Do you like to eat? Are you 16+ over?

Come and join ‘The Ark Community Choir’ for song, food and laughter!

Venue: ‘The Ark’ (adjacent building)

Please contact Ray Samuel Mcleod for further details:

M: 07481708900



Community Outreach

It is a core mission of The Congregation to engage with outreach into various communities throughout Nottingham City and surrounding towns/villages. Members of House Churches are encouraged to go onto the streets and into communities to engage with the general public, handing out key literature and offering to pray for those in need and who are wanting to explore the reality of Yahweh (God). Particular ministry initiatives may be carried out such as, care for the elderly, food bank, work with children etc. 

There will also be a team of people behind the scenes on the same evening who are engaging in the ministry of prayer and intercession while this outreach work is going on.

Faithbuilders – Gospel Outreach Activities

Each week, throughout the Spring/Summer months in The Ark @ 7:00pm, the Faithbuilders Team provides various activities that will help with individuals ‘Journey of Faith’. This could take the form of a group discussion or Gospel Service. Equally it may mean simply providing a meal over which discussions can be held and friendships formed. Anyone 18 and over is more than welcome to drop in and see what is happening.


Venue (unless otherwise stated)

27a Carlton Road, Sneinton, Nottingham, NG3 2DG

For further information on any of the above activities:

Contact (unless otherwise stated) - Jon Thornton

Telephone: 0115 8378083
Mobile: 07875069082

Read our latest thought for the week...Infinite Mercy

In this hour and time, the Living [Elohim] is calling us to the school of his Spirit that we may fulfill his purpose for our generation, yes saints, our [Elohim] has a sincere desire for us to grow in maturity as we enjoy intimacy with him.

Dr Jerry Hulse

New Audio Devotional

Audio Devotional Moments - July 2024
Obedience To The Master
Faith Mail - A Monthly Encouragement

Faith Mail July 2024
Seeing The Unseen

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The Congregation Of Yahweh
Head Office (UK)
27A Carlton Road
United Kingdom

T:Telephone: 0115 837 8083

Registered Charity No. 245132

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