Stepping Towards Ministry

Being Part Of The Body

Dedicate Yourself

We need to dedicate ourselves to Yahweh. It's good to do this in a positive, intentional way, praying He takes us and uses us. Perhaps get someone to come and pray for you as well. We offer our bodies as a living sacrifice. Ah yes, sacrifice. If you are a busy person, you will have to sacrifice. If your life is so crammed with things to do that you wonder where you’ll find the time to minister, then you’ll need to evaluate your lifestyle. Write down all the things you do and put them in order of priority. What can you happily do without? What can you spend less time doing in order to make time for ministry? Whether busy or not, ministry is a sacrifice. You can’t just do your own thing. You have to work within a framework and be accountable.

Decide What You're Good At

Some people put their hand to anything and give it a go. Others slump in a corner thinking, I’m no good at anything. While neither of these is ideal, the first is better than the second. Whether you are a ‘can do’ or a ‘can’t do’ person (you will need to be a ‘want to do’ rather than a ‘won’t do’ person), you would do well to assess your strengths. We're all good at some things. Do it right now – think of just three things you’re good at. If you’re really struggling, ask other people what they think.

Don’t Think You Have To Do It All

What we need to remember is there's no such thing as ‘a one man ministry’. You might look at a church or ministry and see one prominent person. Perhaps a vicar or a priest or a pastor. You might look at them and think you can never do what they do. Here’s a secret – you don’t necessarily have to. They have a lot of people helping them in lots of different ways. Most of those don’t end up ‘on stage’ but are nevertheless an invaluable part of the team. You can be a helper in your church – you don’t have to be the ‘top dog’. Romans 12:4-5: “Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, [but they all perform a necessary job] so in Yahshua we who are many form one body and each member belongs to all the others.”

Talk to your minister – they won’t bite (or if they do, they probably won’t bite too hard). There’s a good chance they’ll be overjoyed that somebody wants to help out, as volunteers are a rare commodity. Ask them to help you find out where you can fit in and serve Yahshua in His Church.

Read our latest thought for the week...Infinite Mercy

In this hour and time, the Living [Elohim] is calling us to the school of his Spirit that we may fulfill his purpose for our generation, yes saints, our [Elohim] has a sincere desire for us to grow in maturity as we enjoy intimacy with him.

Dr Jerry Hulse

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