I have the privilege of visiting various congregations across the country and it invariably means I have to get into a car and drive for miles. The kind of preparation that I make is basic: have a word to give, pack and take clothes etc., if staying overnight. It’s never a problem getting to these fellowships because I know the way.
However, I have to make sure of one thing if I am to arrive and on time: I have to ensure I have enough petrol in the tank to complete the journey. Yes, fuel is absolutely important! Running out of fuel part-way along the journey can be embarrassing and/or dangerous. It’s something that no-one wants to experience.
As we move into this New Year we need fuel for the journey that is ahead. We’re not talking about rolling up at a petrol station and filling up with diesel or unleaded petrol. We’re thinking about spiritual fuel to drive our ministry and lives in a way that will achieve kingdom ambitions and honour our Master. What exactly is spiritual fuel? I want to use an acrostic to help us to understand the component parts of spiritual fuel.
F – Fearless faith
U – Unwavering commitment
E – Enthusiasm for service
L – Loving the dream
Fearless faith: this is faith that knows no fear; it looks to Sovereign Yahweh for the resources needed for the journey. It produces the kind of courage that the early disciples displayed in the midst of trouble, which enabled them to penetrate the enemy’s domain and rescue imprisoned lives. Here’s what the believers in Acts cried, ‘Sovereign Yahweh… consider their threats and enable Your servants to speak Your word with great boldness. Stretch out Your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of Your holy servant Yahshua’.
Unwavering commitment: this is our response to Yahweh’s impact on our lives - His love and incredible kindness to us; it is our reaction to His call to us to be His servants. We leave all to follow Him, to be totally committed to Him and to His work and purpose for us.
Enthusiasm for service: the motivation that gets us out of bed every day to engage in His work. The fire of the Spirit within that spurs us on to do over and above the call of duty.
Loving the dream: the sheer joy of being in the centre of Yahweh’s purpose; embracing a compelling vision inspired by His Spirit; the thrill of seeing lives transformed (including our own); our Father being honoured and the kingdom progressing. Nothing in the world comes close in terms of making a person feel utterly satisfied and fulfilled.
This is the fuel that will keep you going until you finish the course, but you need to fill up.
In the same way we would go to the petrol station to fill up our vehicle, we should go to the source and supplier of spiritual fuel - Yahweh. Our Father knows the fuel we need but it’s important for us to go to Him and earnestly ask for what we need. It’s really that simple! Remember what Yahshua promised, “…my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name” (John 16:23 NIV).
So, go ahead. Draw close to Yahweh (James 4:8) and ask! Ask Him to renew your faith, strengthen your commitment, revitalise your passion for service and rekindle your joy. May you be filled with the right mix of fuel to make the journey the Father has in mind for you, and may you inspire others along the way.
“Service is the overflow of super-abounding devotion”.
“Faith does not operate in the realm of the possible. There is no glory for (Yahweh) in that which is humanly possible. Faith begins where man’s power ends”.
HEBREWS 11:32-34
And what more shall I say? I do not have time to tell about…[those] who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions, quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength; and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies.
Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me…
ACTS 20:24 (Phillips)
Frankly I do not consider my own life valuable to me so long as I can finish my course and complete the ministry which (Yahshua the Messiah) has given me in declaring the good news of the grace of (Yahweh).
Dear Father, although I have a glimpse of the journey I must personally make over the next several months, help me to see it more clearly. And because I know others will follow me, I need You to guide me so that I will be a light to them and so that I will complete the course. To ensure I finish the journey I must have the right fuel in my tank. Father I am asking You to aid me with the fuelling of my spiritual tank: grow my faith so that it’ll be fearless and courageous; help me with my commitment to you. May I not be slack in my devotion; my heart only wants to serve You with ever-increasing zeal, and for the privilege of serving You to be the joy of my life.
What fuel are you putting in your tank . . . for the journey?
Click to see the whole passage:
Matthew 12:41 NIV - The men of Nineveh will stand up at the - Bible Gateway
A recent Gallup poll reported "very little difference in the behavior of the churched and the unchurched on a wide range of items including, cheating, and stealing." ... Oh the need for saintly believers! To make a difference, you have to be different. You cannot change anything by adding more of the same.
Jimmy Chapman
The Congregation Of Yahweh
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United Kingdom
T: 0115 837 8083
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