Crumby Sin

Thought For The Week 149 By Val Warsop

Passover was on the horizon as I settled down to defrost my fridge, and check everything in my freezer for yeast or yeast extract.  For me, it’s very satisfying A loaf of bread which has been sliced, leaving crumbswhen, once again, all is tidy, frost-free and gleaming.  I was feeling the quiet glow of a job well done as I wiped down the freezer door and checked the rubber which ensures its seal.  Then, to my astonishment, I found – bread crumbs!  “However did bread crumbs get into that slender space?” I gasped out loud.  Almost immediately an inner voice said softly, “Just as sin creeps in unnoticed and settles.”

Crumbs! A wake-up call, indeed!  “What,” I wondered, “constitutes the ‘crumbs’ of sin?”  What kind of things can slip into my life unnoticed and settle down to niggle and irritate; to affect my relationship with my Father and His Son?  I thought of the seven churches of Asia and some of the things Yahshua said to them; the Ephesians had lost their first love, the Laodiceans had become lukewarm, the people of Sardis were asleep, Pergamum was toying with false doctrine – crumby sins.  There was, of course, the more ‘obvious’ stuff, like sexual immorality and eating food offered to idols; not so ‘crumby’! 

As I mused on this I remembered something the apostle James wrote, “So any person who knows what is right to do but does not do it, to him it is sin.” [James 4:17 AMP italics mine].  The longer we walk with Yahshua the more we understand ‘what is right to do’ and, as far as I can see, the more we are vulnerable to ‘crumby’ sin.  It can be so easy to let slip a standard here, entertain some grumbles or gossip there; to find oneself less devoted, or more easily distracted, or lacking in compassion. I found it sobering to recall that sin can be as much about what I don’t do as about what I do.

As we move towards the Feast of Unleavened Bread I’m holding my heart before Yahweh, asking Him to allow the searchlight of His Holy Spirit to seek out any hidden ‘crumbs’ that may be lurking there, unseen and unknown.

Photo by stafichukanatoly

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